The place to Learn how to connect with authentic friends and feel understood in your 20s, early 30s, and entering into your 20s!

Are You...

Tired of sifting through apps in hopes of finding genuine friendships? Do you have a desire to connect with like minded people that are authentic, understand young adulting, and won’t ghost you? Trust me, you are not alone at all!

Learn how to become the friend that you deserve…

Join the

Young Adulting Society


Defined as:

A positive companionship or association with peers: a social circle of like-minded young adultees

Hey young adultee!

I am Ms Niambi Ayanna

The young adultee behind The Young Adulting Society – a progressive community for anyone in their 20s, early 30s, or entering into their 20s.

Transitioning from my teens into my 20s was such a confusing time period in my life. As soon as I turned 20, I was beyond lost because I didn’t fully feel like an adult yet and I was still stuck in a high school mindset in regards to making friend. I struggled to meet people that I genuinely connected with in boarding school, high school, studying/traveling abroad, and in college. I believed that I would always be a loser that would only have acquaintances, but real best friends. Due to that brief mindset, I felt uncomfortable when I did meet people that I enjoyed because I didn’t know how to be a true friend. I was so afraid of making a mistake, that I would stop before getting too comfortable with someone that could potentially ghost me! 

I always wished that there was an easy way to meet authentic people, especially with the internet! So after multiple abrupt rejections from testing social friend apps, I wanted to create a judgement-free environment to meet people wile learning how to become an amazing friend in the process! As a fun way to ensure that everyone is comfortable in this budding environment, I have created a No Ghosting Agreement to follow before entering the society. This is mostly just for fun and to allow individuals that are committed to embracing communication within self.

YAS! Now I am excited to welcome you as a member of the Young Adulting Society! 

- Ms Niambi Ayanna


Plug into a community of welcoming young adultees

You are understood...

This is more than just a platform to talk to people and set yourself on track to manifest the relationships that you desire. While you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals that are young adulting, you will learn the key to having healthy friendships. You start by building an authentic friendship within yourself to migrate towards your people.

Easier said than done right?

You will receive peer coach guidance from me, Ms Niambi Ayanna, while we begin building this progressive community. You will start to feel empowered internally as you branch out to connect with people that you genuinely enjoy!





Our Young Adulting Society:

You don't have to navigate this journey alone...

I know that being in your 20s can feel lonely and overwhelming. There are moments when you can lose motivation, consume yourself in self doubt, allow negative chatter to take over. Trust me, I have definitely been there before and still have moments when I am simply young adulting. It’s normal to feel like everything is going wrong, but you are not alone!

In the midst of my lowest time period in life, I was able to choose to let go of my depression and begin enjoying life! I did so by beginning to believe in myself and putting together a support system to encourage my forward movement. So, I wanted to replicate my support formula and create an improved solution for you!

I’m excited to present the support that I always desired while I transitioned from my late teens into my 20s. We will meet via video calls and you are more than welcome to inbox me when you are seeking a pick me up.

I'm here for you every step of the way!


Ms Niambi Ayanna

Young Adulting Society is for you if...


You are a young adultee that is actively learning how to become an authentic version of yourself.


You have a desire to connect with like-minded people.


You are seeking a genuinely supportive community of young adultees that acknowledge your moments finding self and celebrate your wins!


You want to or are actively thinking outside of the box and ignoring "societal expectations."


You wish you had a safe space to enjoy when you are trying to find your way and can talk to people that 100% get where you are in life.


$15 / month


Ability to ask questions in a judgement free environment

Understanding from all members to follow a No-Ghosting Agreement

A safe environment to learn how to become the friend that you always wanted

Cancel any time with no cancellation fees

An interactive video call (30 minutes)

Exclusive young adulting resources each month

“In person” guidance from a young adulting peer coach

Opportunity to learn life lessons sooner than Ms Niambi Ayanna by learning from her mistakes

Become A Member


Young Adulting Society Policy

This community has a zero tolerance bully, harassment, hate policy. Ms Niambi Ayanna prides herself in having an environment with select people that have a shared goal of personal development as a young adult and growth to become the best version of a friend.

Enjoy this membetship for you to enhance and see your true light shine through! You are absolutely amazing!