[Click here] Learn How To Navigate Your 20’s With The FREE Young Adulting Roadmap





hey young adultee! I'm

Ms Niambi Ayanna

I am a young adulting peer coach, author, and content creator.

I guide young adultees in their 20s, early 30s, or entering into their 20s by providing peer support and a clear roadmap tailored to each individual.

My approach to coaching comes from personal experiences. I endured various emotional stages as I navigated my journey into “adulthood.” Transitioning from my teens into my 20s felt like the most confusing part of life, when it really was just the beginning. I felt like I went from 17 to adult with the same problems: depressed, confused, anxious, lost, and trying to redefine myself as someone more than just a target for being bullied.

Turning 20 was one of the most uncomfortable birthdays to process because I didn’t feel old enough for the world to perceive me as a real adult. I still struggled to process the pain of being bullied for a decade during my foundational years, being isolated throughout boarding school, and managing depression that I refused to acknowledge until I was 18. The idea of living in the real world terrified me, especially as I traveled abroad for a gap year before enrolling in college. I wanted to let go of feeling like a loser in high school when I entered my 20’s, but I didn’t fully know how or what to do. I wished I had friends or more people around me that understood me.

Like so many of us navigating life as a 20 something, I thought that I should have it all figured out just because of my age. I would beat myself up because I didn’t know what degree I wanted, how to find the right friend group, how to stop feeling unstable, meet the standards of “society,” or simply know who I am.

Although I was in a severely melancholy state, one day I told myself that life is too short to feel this miserable because of a “societal pressure” to have “it” all together.

I wanted better for myself…

I took a chance on me! I asked for help.

I took initiative to find a coach that I could relate to and would help me identify a clear path that was customized to my desired lifestyle goals. After securing guidance, I started to work on becoming comfortable within myself to make more decisions like choosing to let go of my depression at 21! Eventually I started to see the light beaming at the end of the tunnel, letting me know that I have to keep going!

Upon reflection, I figured out what young adultees are missing while embarking on their journeys. This specific time period can feel never-ending and lonely when going through the motions without support. Sometimes you feel like you are ready to take on everything and other times you just want to be or still feel like a kid. That was definitely me! However, if you have made it this far, I know that you are ready to take a chance on yourself and ask for help. That is exactly why I love what I do, helping others feel comfortable when they might feel lost and isolated. You are doing AMAZING!



She shares REAL life experiences. Ms Niambi Ayanna openly discusses the challenges of being bullied for a decade, living with depression, struggling with sense of self, and how she chose to adopt a happy lifestyle. Her journey resonates with individuals from all walks of life

She is universally relatable. Although she has had a fair share of sadness brought upon her, she is human as well. After years of self reflection, she understands multiple perspectives: the bully, bullied, mean, nice, compassionate, passive aggressive, and then some. Whether you are in your teens, 20s, 30s, or beyond, her message will provoke thought. 

A true peer. Ms Niambi Ayanna wanted to receive guidance from someone in her age range, so she became just that for her young adultees. As a 24 year old, she is not too far removed from teenagers and offers insight from a budding adults perspective infused with life lessons while progressing through her personal challenges at an early age.

Passionate about helping. Even in the midst of her lowest moments, she knew that she wanted to help others learn how to empower themselves in a hectic world. Now having tools that she created to become the person she is today, she is excited to share with other young adultees by sharing her mistakes so that they don’t have to repeat my steps.

Ms Niambi Ayanna is more than a coach – she is an experience. She has endless stories from becoming an equestrian to boost her confidence, starting to travel alone at 10, attending boarding school, studying abroad, saying “no” for the first time, and so much more!