[Click here] Learn How To Navigate Your 20’s With The FREE Young Adulting Roadmap

ms niambi ayanna

providing a clear approach for young adultees to pivot through their 20’s successfully.

about me

Ms Niambi Ayanna

Young Adulting Peer Coach, Author, And Content Creator

Transitioning from your teens into your 20s feels like the most confusing part of life, when it is really just the beginning. I felt like I went from 17 to adult with the same problems: depressed, confused, anxious, lost, trying to redefine myself as someone more than just a target for being bullied.


Now I am a 24 year old young adulting peer coach… I wish I could say I achieved mental clarity overnight (learn more by reading my full story!)


Today, I help young adults in their 20’s early 30’s, and entering into their 20’s ignore societal pressures to “have it all together.” My young adultees enjoy young adulting by implementing tools I developed for myself and learning from my mistakes.

young adulting


What if I told you that young adulting can actually be fun? Are you ready to take a chance on you AND experience authentic happiness in your 20’s?

Grab my FREE roadmap to make the leap!



In this new cookbook, Ms Niambi Ayanna has created a masterpiece for anyone! If you have any health concerns, are new to cooking, desire variety, or simply want to change your eating lifestyle, this is THE cookbook for you.

The Easy Cleanse is a compilation of over 50 hand crafted recipes that are cheese-free, sugar-free, and absolutely delicious. You can eat foods that are similar to your regular diet and encourage microbial balance.

Learn more about Ms. Niambi Ayanna’s personal journey that inspired the cleanse. Then, taste the love in each dish!

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